Ever Wonder If YOU Could Be An Olympian?
CSI Pacific PODIUM SEARCH™ is an athlete identification and standardized fitness testing program for able-bodied athletes. Athletes participate in a series of basic field tests that measure anthropometry (height/arm span/weight), power, strength, speed, and endurance. The data gathered offers insight for individual athlete fitness evaluation and monitoring, and can be compared across sports and/or sport specific athlete development benchmarks. Athletes may have the opportunity to be invited for further sport specific assessments if they meet PSO/NSO athlete identification benchmarks.

Supports the Identification and Development of Athletes
Led by Canadian Sport Institute Pacific staff and members of partnering PSO and NSO sport organizations, PODIUM SEARCH™ supports the identification and development of athletes by providing them with exposure to a high performance environment and basic field-testing results. PODIUM SEARCH™ also creates awareness for national and provincial sport organizations’ athlete identification programs by helping athletes identify transferable talents from other sports.
Since 2018, in partnership with the BC Games Society and local PacificSport regional centres, several sports have enhanced their BC Games athlete experience by adding the PODIUM SEARCH™ program to their BC Games activities. BC Winter Games sports such as Alpine, Curling, and Gymnastics, as well as BC Summer Games sports such as Athletics, Lacrosse, and Sailing, have worked hard to fit the program into their BC Games sport package as they see the value the program brings to their athlete and coach long-term development. Interested PSOs are encouraged to discuss this opportunity with their respective BC Games manager.
PODIUM SEARCH™ Field Tests include:
- Anthropometry (Height, Arm span, Weight)
- Power – Vertical Jump
- Speed – 10m / 30m running sprint (10m / 20m wheelchair sprint where appropriate)
- Strength – Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull
- Endurance – 20m Leger Multi Stage Fitness Test (Beep test)
Athlete Eligibility
The Following athlete eligibility is for PODIUM SEARCH™ events
- Ages 14-25*
- Competing in ANY sport at a minimum of club/regional level
- Mentally tough, competitive, and highly motivated
- Ready to become part of Canada’s sporting elite
* PODIUM SEARCH™ eligibility within the BC Games follows the sport technical package(s)